+41 71 388 70 77 | +41 52 720 10 53

Your Company within Switzerland

Your Company within Switzerland

Switzerland is a prosperous marketplace and an attractive location for international SME companies. Reliability, efficiency, first-class infrastructure and highly educated people form a solid base for business success.

To fully use the potential it is crucial to cooperate with a partner with local expertise, cultural understanding and international competences. Being an international company ourselves, we know about the importance receiving the ideal assistance for your Swiss entity.

This is why it is our goal to provide the support which suits your current and future needs. Our portfolio covers all services from A-Z, including the provision of the appropriate software and/or hardware (Internet – Accountant for SME’s based on ABACUS). You decide which items you need and you can adjust the service package at any time, either by extending or downsizing.

Our team consists of constantly trained employees with specific knowledge in various fields of activities, both locally and internationally. This means that we not only have in-depth expertise of the domestic Swiss market but also a strong understanding of different social and business cultures all over the world. Thanks to very little fluctuation we can guarantee you a single point of contact if required.

Über uns

Confides unterstützt mittel­ständische Firmen aller Branchen in der Schweiz und im Ausland mit nahtlosen Diensten auf den Gebieten Treuhand, Unter­neh­mens­be­ratung, Wirtschafts­prüfung und Immo­bilien. Fachwissen, Erfahrung und Zu­verlässig­keit sind das Fundament aller Leistungen - von Vertrags­ver­hand­lungen, Firmen­grün­dungen und Nach­folge­re­gelun­gen über Revi­sionen und Sonder­prü­fungen, im Personal­wesen bis zu inter­nationalen Aktivitäten.


Confides AG
Treuhand, Unternehmensberatung
Wirtschaftsprüfung und Immobilien

Birsigstrasse 50
CH-4002 Basel

Tel: +41 61 283 10 00
Fax: +41 61 283 10 09
email: confides@confides.ch

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