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According to a Swiss law introduced in 2012, auditing processes in Switzerland differ depending on the size of the company audited.

Very small firms (less than 10 employees) can make use of the “Opting Out possibility” which means that their reports do not have to be audited by external experts.

For small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) there is an option called “limited audit” which allows time delayed reporting with the Swiss GAAP ARR (Accounting and Reporting Regulations – www.fer.ch). Confides is in the position to perform limited audits for its customers including the data-transfer in the required form (e.g. IFRS).

Either way, for consolidation purposes you may need the transfer of local reporting according to IFRS rules. This additional task can be taken care of by our experts in due time.

Über uns

Confides unterstützt mittel­ständische Firmen aller Branchen in der Schweiz und im Ausland mit nahtlosen Diensten auf den Gebieten Treuhand, Unter­neh­mens­be­ratung, Wirtschafts­prüfung und Immo­bilien. Fachwissen, Erfahrung und Zu­verlässig­keit sind das Fundament aller Leistungen - von Vertrags­ver­hand­lungen, Firmen­grün­dungen und Nach­folge­re­gelun­gen über Revi­sionen und Sonder­prü­fungen, im Personal­wesen bis zu inter­nationalen Aktivitäten.


Confides AG
Treuhand, Unternehmensberatung
Wirtschaftsprüfung und Immobilien

Birsigstrasse 50
CH-4002 Basel

Tel: +41 61 283 10 00
Fax: +41 61 283 10 09
email: confides@confides.ch

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